If you want a better life, ask yourself better questions.

7 tips to asking better life questions (FREE DOWNLOAD)
S02E03: Why Copying Successful People Won't Always Work For You podcast podcast episodes positive change positivity the positive change podcast thrive through disruption Aug 17, 2021

Every entrepreneur's strategy towards success is unique and that’s why copying another entrepreneur’s “success strategies” may not always work for you or your business.

To succeed in business it’s important to align your strategy to its implementation...

S02E02: Why positive thinking isn’t enough to be a successful entrepreneur change maker entrepreneurship podcast podcast episodes positive change positivity the positive change podcast thrive through disruption thriving Jul 26, 2021

If you’re wondering why “positive thinking'' isn't resulting in you feeling positive in your life, and business, then this podcast is for you.

Research shows that at any given time, between 30% and 50% of entrepreneurs and business owners feel emotional or mental distress...

S02E01: The importance of purpose podcast podcast episodes positive change purpose the positive change podcast Jan 10, 2021

A primary focus in each person’s life is to enlighten and enliven each one of us to reconnect with your own inner resources, and to provide you with the tools you need in order to reconnect with and live life through your unconditionally positive core.

Now that doesn't mean that life is...

S02E00: Introducing The Positive Change Podcast passions podcast podcast episodes positive positive change positivity possibility potential purpose the positive change podcast Dec 17, 2020

I believe that humanity is on the cusp of a radical and inspiring transformation. 

A transformation that invites all of us to become more connected with ourselves and with each other,  and more caring and compassionate towards each other. 

A transformation that inspires each one of...

S01E09: Six acts for fostering personal positivity podcast podcast episodes positive positive change positivity potential the positive change podcast Jul 20, 2020

Fundamentally, what I care about is realizing potential and supporting others to explore, create and liberate the potential for themselves and those around them. But, sometimes creating the changes needed to liberate new potential is not easy.

What I have learnt over the years is that during...

S01E08: Proceed Until Apprehended, then continue to proceed. clarity life mantra mantra podcast podcast episodes positive positive change positivity the positive change podcast Jul 13, 2020

Last week’s revelation was a game change for me. In speaking to my experience I realised that I was failing to lean into a core mantra for my own life, work and leadership: Action Precedes Clarity

Well, this revelation opened up second, supporting life mantra: Proceed Until...

S01E07: The importance of living the mantra "action precedes clarity" making progress podcast podcast episodes positive positive change positivity the positive change podcast Jul 10, 2020

This week we're talking about making progress about the things you care about and the one mantra that has held me in good stead for much my adult working life. 

I've had a successful career as an organisational consultant working across corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations,...

S01E06: Emotions are the fuel for momentum, so how are your feelings flaming your fire? podcast podcast episodes positive change positivity potential the positive change podcast Jun 30, 2020

Why do some people fail to pursue their full potential - because emotions are the fuel for our momentum we need to make sure our emotions are positive and flaming our fire within.

We need to realise that each one of us is an emotional being living in a rational world and now, more than ever, it...

S01E05: Connecting with your true intention developmental psychology intention podcast podcast episodes positive positive change positivity potential the positive change podcast Jun 22, 2020

I want to talk about the true intention of youschool.co. The tagline of youschool is:"Realise Your Potential" and our tagline speaks to our promise, which is to support to explore, create and liberate their potential. But, what is the true intention of youschool sits beneath this tagline. All of...

S01E04: Seeking the signal within the noise podcast podcast episodes positive positive change positivity potential the positive change podcast Jun 15, 2020

Where things start to feel overly complex, it may be time to pause and consider: What is the most important element to pursue at this time?

In this week’s episode of revelations@youschool, Dr Richard Harmer reflects upon a current project that is beginning to feel too complex. And, in...